Pastoral Staff
In the Mito Church family, we believe that every person who is a follower of Jesus is an important part of God’s mission. All of us are called by Jesus and gifted by the Spirit to be active participants in God’s vision for the world, which God accomplishes through the church. Everyone, whether seen or unseen, is valued and affirmed in the roles God places them.
Leadership in the family is servant leadership, following Jesus’ own example. All leaders must love and be surrendered to Jesus, and must also love the church to help everyone grow and mature in our God-given mission.
Those who teach, equip, and offer pastoral care are called and sent by God, which is affirmed and welcomed by the church. Mito Church currently has a team of three who serve God and the church with love in this way.
ジョエル・オズボーン(宣教師・牧師)Joel Osborne (Missionary/Pastoral Minister)
カナダでイエスへの信仰を持つ家族の中で生まれ育ち、ジョエルさんは12歳の時、キリストに人生を委ねました。 彼はグレート・レイクス・クリスチャン高校(カナダ・オンタリオ州)、ヨーク大学(アメリカ・ネブラスカ州)を卒業しました。大学在学中、短期宣教プログラム「Let’s Start Talking」を通してブラジルと日本で奉仕し、神様はその経験を生かしてジョエルさんを日本への宣教師として召されました。彼はカナダにあるティンターンキリストの教会によって送り出され、2002年7月より日本やアジア各国(シンガポール、タイ、カンボジア)へ仕えてきました。2010年4月より水戸教会で仕えています。彼はすべての人の人生が変えられていく様子を見ること、また毎日神への礼拝を捧げて信仰の上に生きることに情熱を燃やしています。ジョエルさんは最愛の妻クリスティンさんと結婚生活を送っています。
Born and raised in Canada in a family with faith in Jesus, Joel surrendered his life to Christ at age 12. He is a graduate of Great Lakes Christian High School (Ontario, Canada) and York University (Nebraska, USA). While in university, Joel served in Brazil and Japan through Let’s Start Talking, a short term mission program, and God used those experiences to call Joel to be a missionary to Japan. His sending church is the Tintern Church of Christ in Canada, and he has served in Japan and elsewhere in Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia) since July 2002. He has served with Mito Church since April 2010. He is passionate about seeing all people experience life transformation and live out their faith daily in worship to God. Joel is happily married to his beloved, Kristin.
赤星浩晃(副牧師)Hiroaki Akahoshi (Assistant Minister)
Hiro grew up in Hitachi City, and after graduation from high school, he moved to America for university. He is a graduate of Abilene Christian University. It was there that Hiro first encountered Jesus, but it wasn’t until he returned to Japan and served in the mission to Cambodia and on the disaster relief team following the 2011 East Japan disaster (earthquake & tsunami) that Hiro came to faith and gave his life to Jesus in 2013. Hiro was impacted by the goodness of Jesus’ love so much that he really wants to see all people, especially his fellow Japanese, come to know and experience that love and the power of the gospel. He has served with Mito Church since April 2014. Hiro loves his wife, Megumi, and they have three beautiful children.
木村聖歌(牧会・事務補助員)Seika Kimura (Pastoral/Administrative Assistant)
Seika is the youngest child of a Christian family in Hitachinaka (her name means ‘song of praise’). After graduating from a university in Okinawa and working in social welfare here in Mito city, Seika really wanted to grow in her relationship with Jesus and in her faith. She and her sister became a part of Mito church in 2020, but worshipped with the church for about a year before that. After a prayer in which she totally surrendered her life to God, God answered that prayer surprisingly quickly and unexpectedly with an opportunity for Seika to come alongside Joel and Hiro on staff in April 2021, helping with media, administrative work, and even more importantly in care for both members and seekers.
上記の3人は以下の宣教の働きを担当しています。 (いくつかは他の執事と共に行います)
They are responsible for following ministries (some are shared with other leaders): Teaching/Education, Mission/Evangelism, Worship, Reconciliation, Media.
さらに、教会にはリーダーたちの宣教の働きをサポートをする執事がいます。彼らは、リーダーと共に働くよう委任されています。執事は教会によって選出され,その任期は2年です。 水戸教会には、執事としての立場を喜んで奉仕する7名の方々がいます。
Additionally, the church identifies and affirms some members to support the ministry team as fellow leaders. They are delegated responsibilities in co-leadership with other leaders for three ministries. After every two year term, they are reaffirmed by the church. Mito Church has seven people who willingly and joyfully serve in this capacity.
鈴木博之 Hiroyuki Suzuki
(会計、会堂維持管理 Finance, Facilities/Properties)
大杉学 Gaku Osugi
(聖書の学び&育成、コミュニケーション&メディア、あわれみのケアと支援 Teaching & Education, Communication / Media, Mercy / Care)
川上夏美 Natsumi Kawakami
(聖書の学び&育成、交わり&つながり Teaching & Education, Fellowship & Connection)
赤津健太郎 Kentaro Akatsu
(礼拝、宣教&伝道、交わり&つながり Worship / Mission / Evangelism, Fellowship & Connection )
花崎拳 Ken Hanasaki
(礼拝、宣教&伝道、祈り Worship / Mission / Evangelism, Prayer )
花崎愛 Ai Hanasaki
(会計、あわれみのケアと支援 Finance, Mercy / Care )
現在は、鈴木博之(代表)、大杉学、花崎拳 です。
Finally, three servant leaders also serve as trustees for our church. A trustee is not a leadership role but only serves as a representative for legal purposes as required by the Japanese government for religious entity status. Currently, our trustees are Hiroyuki Suzuki (chair), Gaku Osugi , and Ken Hanasaki.