Worship service

Worship Service


Our church is bilingual in Japanese and English, and services are held every Sunday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. The chapel is on the 3rd floor, but there is an elevator. Worship services are also Upload on Youtube at a later date.

Hallelujah Kids

3階での礼拝に途中まで参加し、 10時半くらいから2階での礼拝を捧げます。賛美やダンスをしたり、2グループ(5歳以上、乳幼児)に分かれて聖書のお話を聞いたり、アクティビティーをして過ごします。

We will join the worship service on the third floor until about halfway through the service, and then offer the service on the second floor at about 10:30 a.m. We will have praise, dance, and then separate 2 Group(above 5 years old, baby) Bible stories, and activities.

教会の外観 Our Church Building