2022/10/16祈り Prayer
招詞(エレミヤ書 31章、ルカの福音書 18章、テモテへの手紙 第二 3章に基づく)
開会祈祷(エレミヤ書 31章27~34節、テモテへの手紙 第二 3章14節~4章5節に基づく)
祝祷(創世記 32章22~31節、詩篇 119篇97~104節に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Jeremiah 31, Luke 18 & 2 Timothy 3)
Leader: No matter how far from God we seem to be, we do not lose heart:
People: For the days are surely coming, says the LORD.
Leader: No matter how many obstacles we face in life and in the church, we do not lose heart:
People: For the days are surely coming, says the LORD.
Leader: No matter how hard is it to pray continually and work for justice, we do not lose heart:
People: For the days are sure coming, says the LORD, when I will forgive and restore my people, equipping them for every good work and grant justice to the cries I hear day and night.
Leader: So we do not lose heart, but gather to worship the LORD our God!
Opening Prayer (Based on Jeremiah 31:27-34 & 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5)
Leader: O God Who writes Your covenant on our hearts, thank you for never abandoning us but keeping Your covenant with us in amazing grace. We thank you for loving us even when we have not loved you.
People: Holy God, the words of Scripture are God-breathed words – inspired by You and given life through the power of your Holy Spirit. By that same Spirit, breathe your word into us so that we know the language of faith and are equipped to proclaim the message we receive.
Leader: We thank you for all who have taught us the faith and who teach us still, for this faith is a firm foundation for our lives and our life together. Continue to guide and bless the church, and help us to trust You so strongly we are willing to take risks for the gospel even if we grow uncomfortable.
People: We confess that we do not meditate on your commands and teaching, choosing to seek and live by values and standards that suit our own wants and desires. Forgive us for growing tired in following You and losing hope in Your power to transform lives, including our own.
Leader: The Scriptures are given to correct us and train us for righteousness, and to equip us for every good work. The Word testifies to forgiveness and life through Jesus. Believe the good news of the gospel: in Christ we are forgiven and freed from our sin!
People: We give thanks and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Benediction (Based on Genesis 32:22-31 & Psalm 119:97-104)
Leader: Holy God and Father, we have meditated on Your word.
People: It is sweeter than honey!
Leader: You call us to wrestle in relationship with You so that we will know You and trust You more.
People: So bless us every day as we walk in our journey with Jesus, and as we seek Your face.
Leader: You belong to God, church, so be urged to stand firm in the faith, pray persistently, and work tirelessly for justice. The day is surely coming when God’s Kingdom will be all in all. As you follow Christ this week, may the love of God dwell in your hearts, the grace of Christ uphold you in faith, and the Holy Spirit equip you for ministry. Go now with joy to share the gospel with others.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.