2022/10/30 祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 119篇137~144節、イザヤ書 1章10~18節に基づく)







開会祈祷(ハバクク書 1章1~4節, 2章1~4節、詩篇32篇1~7節に基づく)














Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 119:137-144 & Isaiah 1:10-18)

Leader: Hear the word of the LORD, and listen to the teaching of our God!

People: More than a multitude of sacrifices and ceremonies, the LORD rather delights in our obedience and in changed attitudes and behaviors.

Leader: So let us stretch out our hands in surrender and in prayer, and also in sharing with the widow and the orphan. Let us be inspired to do good and seek justice, rescuing the oppressed.

People: For this, too, is an offering of worship pleasing to God.

Leader: Though our sins are like scarlet and crimson, God makes them white like snow and wool.

People: Let us give thanks for God’s mercy and salvation as we worship Him together.

Opening Prayer (Based on Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 & Psalm 32:1-7)

Leader: Gracious God, in Jesus Christ You come to seek and save the lost. You cover us with mercy and uphold us in times of trouble. Even when evil is all around, You show us a vision of justice and empower us with Your Spirit so that we do not lose hope.

People: Let us hear Your Word, O God, that we may know Your truth and follow You with new resolve. By Your Spirit, open us to receive Your Word and live by it.

Leader: We confess that we struggle to be faithful and to live daily by Your Word.

People: Forgive us, granting us the gift of repentance, and make us new. Help us not to hide but rather to release it all to You with trust that You have changed us, You are changing us now, and You will continue to change us.

Leader: Buried with Christ in the waters of baptism, we are raised to new life, forgiven and freed to live lives worthy of our calling. Hear the good news, church!

People: Thanks be to God.

Leader: Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Remember that we have freely received, so we may now freely give so that others may see and taste the goodness of God in Christ.

People: We offer ourselves again, as we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.


Leader: Jesus knew how the woman in Samaria had lived. He knew of her brokenness and He knew of her sin.

People: In love, He sought her out, and offered her the living water. In love, He invites us to drink deeply at the well of Living Water too.

Leader: Yes, beloved church. God is sending us out with living water into a thirsty world. Take courage knowing that God goes before you and prepares the way. Go now in the name of Jesus.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.