2022/11/13 祈り Prayer







開会祈祷(マラキ書 4章1~2節、テサロニケ人への手紙 第二 3章6~13節に基づく)







祝祷(イザヤ書 65章17~25節に基づく)





Call To Worship (Based on Isaiah 12)

Leader: Sing praises to the Eternal One, and call on His name. Spread the news throughout the world of what He has done and how great is His name!

People: Sing praises, shouting out and singing for joy, everyone and everywhere, so that all may know how God acts in amazing ways.

Leader: For God is great and God is here in our midst – with us and around us. He is holy, and in the face of the grace He provides, He is worthy of our thanksgiving.

People: We gather to praise God who rescues us, and to express our trust in Him.

Leader: God is our strength and our song, so let us raise our voices in praise to Him!

Opening Prayer (Based on Malachi 4:1-2 & 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13)

Leader: O God, our Redeemer, all creation sings Your praise! You are justice and mercy, judgment and grace.

People: In following Jesus Christ our Lord, we seek to be faithful, sustained by Your Spirit. We dedicate this day to worship and to rest, to enjoy our relationship with You and with the community of faith You have given to us.

Leader: Grant us wisdom to speak out for those who are exploited. Grant us courage and strength to break the chains of injustice and hear the voices of people long silenced.

People: Quiet in us any voice but Your own so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we might hear, believe, and respond in action in to Your word read and proclaimed so that Your inbreaking Kingdom will continue to unfold in this city, in this nation, and in the world.

Leader: Forgive our idle ways in the work of discipleship and our weariness in doing what is right. We have been selfish, self-centered, and self-satisfying. We have been full of gossip, jealousy, and arrogance. Call us to repentance in word, deed, and attitude. 

People: We hear and celebrate the good news that Christ is merciful to all who turn to Him in repentance. In the name of Jesus we are forgiven! We give thanks, as we pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Isaiah 65:17-25)

Leader: God, we celebrate Your plan to create new heavens and a new earth though we confess we do not fully understand what all that will be. But we trust and rejoice in You and in what You are creating, and we long to join You in Your work.

People: You send us out to bring reconciliation in the lives and situations around us just as Christ has reconciled us in relationship with You and with one another.

Leader: Yes, church, take the gifts we have received from the Spirit into a world filled with distress, pain, and injustice. Bring healing in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God. Be strong in the truth of God, bearing witness to the gospel, and persevere in the face of evil. Be committed to Christ by living without fear, and may the grace of God, the love of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit be with you as you go.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.