2022/11/27 祈り Prayer
開会祈祷(イザヤ書 2章1~5節、ローマ人への手紙 13章11~14節に基づく)
祝祷(詩篇 122篇、マタイの福音書 24章36~44節に基づく)
Call To Worship
Leader: Come, people of God, gather around: it is time to focus our hearts and minds on God alone, and give our best offerings of worship.
People: We were glad when others said to us, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD!’
Leader: It is the Season of Advent, a time of waiting and watching. So we light the first candle as a symbol of hope as we await Christ’s arrival.
People: We do not passively wait, but are called to draw as many as possible into this journey of walking in the light, so that we all might fully celebrate when Jesus returns.
Leader: Yes, church, in this season let us be called to worship and to service as we await the coming King. Let us raise our hearts and voices in praise!
Opening Prayer (Based on Isaiah 2:1-5 & Romans 13:11-14)
Leader: God of glory, we know that You are coming at an unexpected hour.
People: Come to us now in spirit and truth, and take us up into Your presence so that we are made ready for Your reign of peace.
Leader: Lord of every nation, let Your Word ring out from the mountains and Your Spirit shine forth in the earth so that all may hear Your teaching and do Your will.
People: There is no shadow that can conceal our sin from You and no secret that You will not bring to light, so we confess our sins: jealousy and quarrelsome attitudes, drunkenness and partying, and self-gratification in many forms. Forgive us, O God, and help us to choose living in a way that brings honor and glory to Your Name.
Leader: In baptism, we are bathed in light and clothed with grace. In repentance, fully let go of those attitudes and actions and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Church, know that you are forgiven and live in peace with God and with one another.
People: We give thanks to God as we pray in the name of Christ, Amen.
Benediction (Based on Psalm 122 & Matthew 24:36-44)
Leader: We give thanks and praise to You, O God, that You have built us up in faith and bound us together in love.
People: By Your grace, may all that we do this week show the glory of Your name and serve the good of all people, especially those in our family of faith: the Church.
Leader: No one knows about the day and hour of Christ’s return, just as in the days of old when no one knew when the Messiah would finally come. Therefore, keep awake and be ready, helping others to know and join in the journey with Jesus, so that they might also receive the eternal blessings found in Christ. As you go through this week, may the grace of Christ, the love of God, and the Holy Spirit’s joy surround you as you walk in the light of the LORD. Go now, and be salt and light in the world.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.