2022/12/18 祈り Prayer

招詞(ローマ人への手紙 1章1~7節に基づく)






開会祈祷(詩篇 80篇1~7節、17~19節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Romans 1:1-7)

Leader: We are called to gather in worship and praise of our Mighty God!

People: We are called to belong to Jesus Christ, to receive grace as His beloved people and as the community of faith through whom He works.

Leader: In this fourth and final week of Advent, we light the fourth candle as a symbol of love, God’s love, which is displayed in the birth of the Christ child who is the long awaited Messiah.

People: We have gathered to anticipate the birth of the Savior, and to give thanks to God for life, for salvation, for redemption and reconciliation found alone through Jesus!

Leader: So let us respond to this call by lifting our hearts and voices in praise, and offering our lives again as a sacrifice of worship to our great and mighty God!

Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19)

Leader: Eternal God, in power and grace You come in surprising ways: in appearances of angels with Your messages, in defeat of enemies, and in resurrection from the dead.

People: Show us Emmanuel – God with us – in our midst, and bring us from fear to awe.

Leader: As Your Holy Spirit spoke to Mary, the mother of Jesus, speak to us now through Your Word so that in hearing it we may strengthened in faith and ready to do Your will.

People: God of hosts and Shepherd of the chosen, we neglect the welfare of Your creation, ignore the plight of your people, and fail to help our neighbors in need. We have not kept peace in our families, and we turn away from Your heart and Your ways. Forgive us and lead us to lives that reflect Your grace and compassion.

Leader: For the sake of Jesus, the One whom God promised to send as His Son, who died and was raised, we receive grace and God forgives us of all our sins. We are God’s beloved, called to be saints, so rejoice and give thanks for your salvation.

People: Thanks be to God! It is in the name of Christ we pray, Amen.


Leader: Holy God, You bless us with many gifts and You bring us out of despair and fear.

People: Like Thomas, help us to be willing to go boldly with you. Yet help us through times of doubt and carry us into greater and deeper faith in Christ.

Leader: Do not be paralyzed by fear, people of God. Rather, listen to the Word of God who promises to be with us in every age. Spread this good Word to those who live without hope. Live this Word as people who know Emmanuel, God-with-us, and let us celebrate the approaching birth of Jesus Christ, our King!

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.