2022/12/25 祈り Prayer

招詞(イザヤ書 9章2~7節、詩篇 96篇に基づく)






開会祈祷(ルカの福音書 2章1~20節、テトスへの手紙 2章11~14節に基づく)




会衆:人々が長い間 心から待ち望んでいたイエス様による救いを、私たちは知りもしませんでした。または、知ってはいたのに忘れてしまっていました。そして、私たちの心の奥深くを満たしてくれる真(まこと)の喜びの代わりに、この世の束(つか)の間の快楽ばかりを追い求めてしまっていました。キリストによって、私たちを罪の支配から救い出し、私たちのすべての悪を洗いきよめてください。キリストは私たちのために、そのすべてを捧げてくださったのです。








Call To Worship (Based on Isaiah 9:2-7 & Psalm 96)

Leader: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, and that light shines on them.

People: Today is Christmas, and we light the center candle in the Advent wreath to announce the good news that light has come and shines on us in the birth of Jesus Christ!

Leader: A child is born – a Son has been given: we rejoice at this good news and we celebrate with songs of joy!

People: So we join with all the earth and sing to the LORD, blessing His name, declaring His glory among the nations and telling of His salvation!

Leader: Yes, let us be filled with joy and express it in song as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child and bring Him our offering of worship.

Opening Prayer (Based on Luke 2:1-20 & Titus 2:11-14)

Leader: Holy God, we gather today to stand with shepherds, amazed at Your glory; to sing with angels, rejoicing in Your work; to wait with Joseph, trusting in Your promise; and to sit with Mary, cradling Your love.

People: May the good news of Jesus’ birth inspire us to tell the world of our great joy: for to us is born a Savior, the Messiah and Lord. Glory and praise to God forever!

Leader: By the gift of Your Holy Spirit, teach us to treasure Your words and to ponder them in our hearts, like Mary did, as we hear the scriptures read and proclaimed.

People: We confess that we forget or don’t even know of this long hoped-for salvation through Jesus, and we trade true joy for momentary happiness found in worldly passions and self-indulgent ways. Redeem us from evil and cleanse us from sin through Christ who gave Himself for us.

Leader: Hear this good news of great joy: not only has Jesus been born, but also in Him and through Him we are forgiven. So give glory and thanks to God who saves us!

People: Thanks be to God! It is in the name of Christ we pray, Amen.


Leader: Go forth, people, to sing and bless God’s holy name! Join the angels in saying:

People: Glory to God in the highest!

Leader: For great is the LORD and greatly to be praised! Therefore shout with joy, giving thanks, and singing praise that salvation comes through the Christ child, whose birth we celebrate today. Take this good news of God’s love and salvation to all people, and share it through your words, your attitude, and your actions. By bringing God’s justice and showing God’s mercy and compassion, may all people and even all of creation join in a song of joy: the song of redemption through Jesus Christ our Lord. Go now and be faithful to this calling. Merry Christmas!

People: Merry Christmas! We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.