2022/12/4 祈り Prayer




司会:待降節 第二週目の今日は、「平和」を象徴する二つ目のろうそくに火が灯っています。私たちが待ち望んでいる主イエスは、「平和の君(きみ)」とも呼ばれるのです。



開会祈祷(イザヤ書 11章1~10節、詩篇 72篇に基づく)














Call To Worship

Leader: Jesus Christ, the One who was and is and is to come, welcomes all of you to this place.

People: As one body, with one voice, we honor and glorify the Giver of wisdom, counsel, knowledge, and joy.

Leader: In this second week of Advent, we light the second candle as a symbol of peace as we await the Prince of Peace, Jesus our Lord.

People: And we gather to give Him thanks for the salvation He offers, and we invite others on the good journey with Jesus, so that they may find their place at the Table of Christ and receive the salvation He gives.

Leader: So let us testify now to these good things in song and prayer as we worship God and declare His goodness as the gathered body of Christ.

Opening Prayer (Based on Isaiah 11:1-10 & Psalm 72)

Leader: Through Your Word, O God, the prophet Isaiah foretold of a branch growing out of the root of Jesse – the Messiah who would be a descendant of King David, and of the tribe of Judah.

People: Isaiah foretold that the Spirit of the LORD would rest on Him, a spirit of wisdom and understanding, of counsel, might and knowledge who would delight in the LORD, and bring equity to poor and weak, and peace to all of creation.

Leader: We know that is Jesus our Savior, and we await His reign among us, and in expectation we listen to Your Word read and proclaimed for our instruction.

People: By Your Holy Spirit, open our ears and fill us with the mysteries of Your ancient love.

Leader: Just as John the Baptist was sent to prepare the people for the coming Messiah, and calling them to repentance, we are called to confess our sins and prepare our hearts and lives for Christ’s return.

People: Gracious and welcoming God, have mercy on us! We confess that we do not obey Your word each day in what we say and do. We fail to see our families, neighbors, and friends as beloved children whom You have made. We repent of our ways and look to your power to heal us and raise us up, so forgive us and gather us into Your presence.

Leader: God has come near to us in Christ and the repentant are judged with righteousness. Be filled with hope, believing in the power of the risen Christ, and rejoice that you are forgiven and may live in peace with the One who created and loves you.

People: Thanks be to God for His grace through Christ, in whom we pray, Amen.


Leader: Beloved people, it is time to go from this place to share the good news of Jesus and to make disciples of all nations.

People: It is time to invite others to join in the journey with Jesus, and to join hearts and hands together as we all seek to be changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and participate in the Kingdom mission of God.

Leader: As you go, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. May Christ’s words dwell in your heart and be spoken by your lips, and may His love be shown by your hands open and stretched out in service. And in all things, may God receive all glory and praise!

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.