2022/5/29 祈り Prayer
招詞(詩篇 47篇&97篇、ヨハネの黙示録 22章12~21節に基づく)
会衆:まことに、いと高き方 主は恐るべき方。全地を治める、大いなる王。さあすべての国民(くにたみ)よ、手をたたけ!喜びの声をもって、神に大声で叫べ!
開会祈祷(ヨハネの福音書 17章、使徒の働き 1章&16章に基づく)
説教:ヨハネの福音書 1章35~40節
聖餐:ルカによる福音書 24章44~53節
祝祷(エペソ人への手紙 1章15~23節に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Psalms 47 & 93 and Revelation 22;12-21)
Leader: The LORD is King, robed in majesty and strength. More majestic than the waves of the sea is the LORD God on high! He established the world and His everlasting throne.
People: The LORD Most High is awesome! A great King over all the earth, so clap your hands, all people, and shout to God with loud songs of joy!
Leader: Sing praises to God our King. He is King over the nations, and the princes of the earth shall gather around and worship Him on His holy throne.
People: We bless the LORD – Alpha and Omega, beginning and end – and we rejoice in Him, giving thanks to His holy name!
Leader: The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ, which is the church, invite all to come to Jesus. Let everyone who hears, everyone who hungers and thirsts for the water of life, come to Jesus. Come, people of God, to the Tree of Life and let the grace of the Lord Jesus be with us as we gather to worship because Jesus is coming soon.
Opening Prayer (Based on John 17, Acts 1 & 16)
Leader: Gracious God, who opens the prison doors and releases us from our sin, keep us near to You every day so that we might drink of Your living water, knowing true joy and serving You until the end of time, just as Jesus prayed for us.
People: Holy God, Your voice is heard both in the thunder and in the silence. Speak to us now through Your Word and open our ears and our hearts by the power of Your Spirit.
Leader: Jesus showed us love through His prayer of compassion for us, through His death on the cross and resurrection three days later. He forgives us and loves us even now as He has ascended to heaven so that we might receive the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Forgive our failure to listen to Your invitation to come to You, and our failure to love You and love others.
People: After Jesus’ ascension, the apostles received power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. We invite the Holy Spirit to come in fresh new ways into our daily lives, so that we might be empowered ambassadors of God’s Kingdom and witnesses of Jesus. We lift our eyes, hearts, and lives to You.
Leader: Commission us with Your vision, and the mission of the church, until Christ returns. May we be faithful, following the guidance of the Spirit in the journey with Jesus, and bring honor to Your name.
People: It is in that name, the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
Benediction (Based on Ephesians 1:15-23)
Leader: Go forth, people of God, with the spirit of wisdom and hope, with eyes enlightened and minds aroused by the power of Christ who has ascended to heaven to be with the Father. Yet be assured that wherever you go, Christ is with you.
People: As we journey through this week, the Holy Spirit empowers us to love others and strengthens us in faith and hope to be what we are called to be so that we can do it.
Leader: Yes, in Jesus, your chains are broken, so go forth with joy! Live as one sent out by God, letting the hope in you free you to allow the Spirit to work through you to free others. May the power in Christ Jesus, the strength of the Holy Spirit to baptize and save, and the fierce love of God our Creator keep you in grace and truth as you journey with Jesus this week and invite others to become disciples with us. Go fully with joy, beloved!
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.