2022/6/12祈り Prayer
招詞(詩篇 8編 & ヨハネの福音書 16章 12~15節に基づく)
開会祈祷(箴言 8章1~4, 22~31節 & ヨハネの福音書 16章12~15節に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 8 & John 16:12-15)
Leader: Holy Trinity, One God in Three Persons, we magnify and glorify You on this Trinity Sunday as we celebrate You in our worship together as Your gathered people.
People: God our Creator, who is God over us, we behold in the splendor of Your creation both Your power and our responsibility.
Leader: God our Savior, who is God with us, we behold in the face of Jesus Christ both Your divinity and our humanity.
People: God our Sustainer, who is God dwelling in us, we behold in the Spirit of truth both Your glory and our calling.
Leader: Perfect and Holy Community, we celebrate Your invitation and welcome into community with You and with each other, so we invite You to inhabit our praise and change us as we come into Your presence.
Opening Prayer (Based on Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 & John 16:12-15)
Leader: O God, You are both infinite and intimate, known and unknowable, transcendent and transparent. In love, You have made us Your own and invite us to join in Your divine dance.
People: Triune God, within You there is mutuality, equality, and unity in diversity. Though we are made in Your image, we confess that we do not cherish Your creation of us, of others, and of the world. We seek our own gain instead of mutual welfare and common good. We create and participate in injustice rather than live with respect and promote equality and justice. We elevate ourselves, and allow differences to divide us and lead to brokenness. Forgive us, and restore us to the divine image You intend. Make us tender, generous, and grateful.
Leader: Friend, hear the word of the LORD: we stand in the grace of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s love poured out through the Holy Spirit, we are set free to love God and neighbor, and work for the reconciliation of the world. We have peace with God through Christ.
People: Thanks be to God!
Leader: Living Word, You still have so much wisdom to bestow upon us, wisdom from before the beginning of the earth. Speak, and open our ears and our hearts to receive it, dwell on it, and be changed by it. Holy Spirit, guide us into all truth as Jesus promised, so that our lives may glorify You.
People: We pray in Christ, Amen.
Sermon Text: John ??? (Philip #1)
Leader: God, thank You for calling us to go out from this place to participate in the life of Your triune being.
People: We are called to honor mutuality, live in justice and equality, and celebrate the amazing diversity by which our church is enriched. We are called to share this with the world.
Leader: Go, church, begin a new week in your journey with Jesus to the people and places where He leads. There will be hurt, brokenness, and a need for His healing touch. May the love of God, grace of Christ, and power of the Spirit be with you as you are sent to be salt and light to your family and friends, neighbors and coworkers.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.