2022/6/26祈り Prayer






開会祈祷(列王記 第二 2章1~14節 & ルカの福音書 9章51~62節に基づく)














Call To Worship

Leader: God, who rules the universe and all of creation, calls us.

People: Christ, who took up His cross, calls us.

Leader: Holy Spirit, who frees us body and soul, calls us.

People: Let us answer faithfully by worshipping our God – Father, Son, and Spirit. May all glory and praise be to our God!

Opening Prayer (Based on 2 Kings 2:1-14 & Luke 9:51-62)

Leader: O Holy One, as prophets catch fire, as disciples draw flame, and as apostles walk in the Spirit, we pray that You will fill us with a fervent desire for Your Kingdom.

People: Lead us by the cross of Christ to live in the love of Christ.

Leader: By Your Spirit, plant Your Word within us so that we may follow Jesus and never leave Him. May we find our home in Your Kingdom, and our life in Your Spirit.

People: Just as Elisha had Elijah to teach and mentor him, we thank You for our pastors and for all of the people in our lives who have poured into us. Help us to faithfully receive the mantle of our calling, and to live it more fully every day.

Leader: We confess we abuse what You have entrusted to us, and we enslave ourselves to a life corrupt by sin. We stumble on paths that lead to death instead of walking in the Spirit.

People: You call us to follow you – yet we make excuses: our need for security and for the comforts of this world, the expectations of family and society, and all the things we give priority over You and offering You our worship. Forgive us.

Leader: Fire of heaven, have mercy on us. Rekindle our desire to follow You wholeheartedly and passionately. Open our eyes and hearts to Your saving love, and let that be the words that overflow in testimony from our mouths.

People: We give thanks that the crucified Christ has set us free to live in the Spirit of life. We hear the good news of the gospel, and we embrace our forgiveness in Christ! Thanks be to God! In Christ we pray, Amen.


Leader: Bread of Life, we give thanks to You for inviting us on this journey and for calling us daily into relationship with You.

People: Let our lives show Your goodness, and let our bodies be made holy for Your purposes.

Leader: Build up the community around you, and use your gifts to grow and strengthen the testimony and work of the church. Live at peace in the body of Christ and as much as it is possible in your means with the world around you. Remember that God has made us free, given us a home, and fills our hearts with joy. Go now and call others into that blessed community and the goodness of a daily relationship with Jesus as His disciple.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.