2022/6/5 祈り Prayer






開会祈祷(創世記 11章1~9節、詩篇 104編24~35節、使徒の働き 2章1~21節に基づく)











説教:ヨハネの福音書 14章12~18、23~27節

聖餐:ヨハネの福音書 15章26~27節、16章5~16節

祝祷(使徒の働き 2章16~18, 21節に基づく)





Call To Worship

Leader: Come, all people, and gather on this day as we offer all glory and praise to God.

People: We come to celebrate God’s gift of sending the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

Leader: Come with expectant hearts as the Spirit inhabits our praise and moves in our midst.

People: We cry out: Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us now!

Opening Prayer (Based on Genesis 11:1-9, Psalm 104:24-35 & Acts 2:1-21)

Leader: How manifold are Your works, O LORD, and in wisdom You have made them all. The earth, sky, and sea are full of creatures great and small, to which You give all that is needed in every season.

People: When You take away their breath, they die and return to dust, but when You send Your Spirit, they are created and You renew the face of the earth.

Leader: May Your glory endure forever, and may You rejoice in Your works! May our meditations be pleasing to You, for we rejoice in You!

People: We will sing to the LORD as long as we live: Bless the LORD, and praise His holy name!

Leader: We recall the people who settled in Shinar, saying “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves.” It was here that You used languages to confuse and divide them as they built the Tower of Babel.

People: We confess that we, too, are filled with pride. We try to make a name for ourselves, pursuing our plans and goals so that we may receive attention and glory rather than living for You and bringing You honor. We confess that we gloat about our accomplishments whether in obvious words of our mouths or in the not-so-obvious attitude of our hearts. Forgive us, and bring us back to a right relationship with You.

Leader: Thanks be to God, He has forgiven us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His death-defeating resurrection! He has gifted us with the Holy Spirit and empowered us for His Kingdom mission. Hear this good news, church, and share it!

People: At Pentecost, You sent Your Spirit who bestowed the gift of languages on the apostles and disciples gathered in one place. Tongues of fire rested upon them. What God had used to divide the people for their selfish purposes, God now used to unify people for His Kingdom mission. The gospel was proclaimed in the heart languages of the people at Jerusalem, and continues to be proclaimed throughout the world today for every tribe, nation, and language.

Leader: On the Day of Pentecost, the church that belongs to Jesus – His assembled body at work in this world – was birthed. All across the globe, wherever people gather in His name and seek to obey His teachings as His disciples are a part of this family, including us. We give You thanks, God, for the church and ask You to bless us and use us for Your glory.

People: We pray through Christ, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Acts 2:16-18 & 21)

Pentecost Special Program Text: John 15:26-27 & 16:5-16

Benediction (Based on Acts 2:16-18 & 21)

Leader: God revealed His word through the prophet Joel: “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all people, both men and women and rich and poor alike shall prophesy, young will see visions and those advanced in age will dream dreams.” God shows no favor but bestows His Spirit upon all to accomplish His purposes.

People: And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved!

Leader: Knowing these promises, go from this place with the Spirit poured out upon you, church. Journey with Jesus through this week and proclaim His name to all people, inviting them to be saved through Jesus and given the Spirit so they can join this life changing journey too. Go now in the name of Jesus.

People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.