2022/7/10 祈りPrayer

招詞(詩篇 25篇1~10節に基づく)







開会祈祷(申命記 30章9~14節、アモス書 7章7~17節、コロサイ人への手紙 1章1~14節に基づく)














Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 25:1-10)

Leader: Always we will lift up our souls to You, Eternal One, because You are our God and we put our trust in You.

People: Demonstrate Your ways, O Eternal One, and teach us to understand so we can follow. Ease us down the path of Your truth, and feed us Your word because You are the True God who has saved us.

Leader: We wait all day long, hoping, trusting in You. So gracious Eternal One, remember Your compassion; rekindle Your concern and love, which have always been part of Your actions towards those who are Yours.

People: Do not hold against us the sins we committed in our youth; instead, deal with us according to Your mercy and love. Then Your goodness may be demonstrated in all the world, Eternal One.

Leader: Immensely good and honorable is the Eternal; that’s why He teaches sinners the way. With justice, He directs the humble in all that is right, and He shows them His way. Kind and true are all the ways of the Eternal to the people who keep His covenant and His words.

People: Let us exalt our God together!

Opening Prayer (Based on Deuteronomy 30:9-14, Amos 7:7-17 & Colossians 1:1-14)

Leader: Against the plumb line of Your holiness and righteousness, O God, we are sinful people. Against the plumb line of Your power and wisdom, we are weak and foolish. Against the plumb line of Your grace and compassion, we are selfish and in need of mercy.

People: Just as Amos was originally a herdsman and sycamore tree farmer, not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, yet called and sent by You with Your word, we are likewise a community of many professions, generations, languages and cultures, yet You speak Your word to us, and call us into Your mission too.

Leader: As we receive Your Word through the Holy Spirit, open our eyes to Your justice, open our ears to Your judgment, and open our hearts to Your love.

People: As we obey Your Word, turning our hearts to You, take delight in prospering us, O God, so that we may extend Your blessing and goodness to those in need.

Leader: Yes, God calls us to live with faith in Christ Jesus and love for the church, bearing spiritual fruit that comes from hearing and knowing the gospel, and from being filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

People: Yet we confess we have not lived lives worthy of the Lord, and we have failed to fully please God. Instead of growing in the knowledge of God and bearing fruit, we are consumed with our own desires and fears. Instead of being made strong by God’s glorious power, we have relied on our own strength and wisdom. Instead of patiently enduring and joyfully giving thanks, we run towards lazy habits and our words are filled with complaints. Forgive us, change us, and heal us.

Leader: Hear the good news, Church: through the cross and His resurrection, Jesus has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into His Kingdom. In Christ, we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins. So rejoice!

People: Thanks be to God! In Christ we pray, Amen.


Leader: Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan to a teacher of the law who asked what must be done to inherit eternal life. When Jesus asked him what the Law said, the teacher responded:

People: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.

Leader: Jesus told him his response was correct, and when Jesus asked who is our neighbor, after hearing the parable, the teacher responded it was the Good Samaritan who showed mercy to the man robbed and beaten who was a good neighbor. Jesus replied, “Go and do likewise.” So as we journey through this week with Jesus, remember how Jesus healed the official’s son, and how the Samaritan helped the Israelite in need. God is calling us to go and do likewise. Carry the gospel and share it in what you say, in what you do, and in how you live so that it becomes a testimony of Jesus’ love that brings glory to God, and brings others into a life changing relationship with Jesus as His disciple. The grace of Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Spirit be with you as you go.

People:  We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.