招詞(詩篇 107篇1~9, 43節に基づく)
開会祈祷(ホセア書 11章1~11節、伝道者の書 1章2~14節 & 2章18~23節、ルカの福音書 12章13~21節に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 107:1-9, 43)
Leader: Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever. Let all the redeemed of the LORD say so – those He redeemed from trouble and gathered in from all the nations, east and west, north and south.
People: Hungry and thirsty, our souls were faint and we cried to the LORD in our trouble, but we testify today and every day that He delivered us. That’s why we have gathered to praise Him!
Leader: Yes, God satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Those who are wise will give heed to these things and consider God’s steadfast love and receive it. Let us worship Him in song!
Opening Prayer (Based on Hosea 11:1-11, Ecclesiastes 1:2-14 & 2:18-23 and Luke 12:13-21)
Leader: Even though we are bent on turning away from You, O God, all the while thinking we are Your children and followers of Jesus, You have not executed Your fierce anger towards us, nor have You destroyed us even though we deserve it.
People: Even though we chase the vanities of this world – grasping for worldly knowledge and working for the accumulation of self-fulfilling wealth, building lives though each day is not guaranteed, growing tired and finding no rest for our bodies, hearts, and minds – You do not abandon us and leave us to destroy ourselves.
Leader: For you are loving and compassionate God. In Christ, You save us.
People: Forgive us for our sinful, selfish ways, and turn our hearts back to You in repentance. Holy Spirit, open our minds and hearts to Your Word, and help us to live in a way that fulfills our meaning and purpose in Christ, bringing glory to God.
Leader: God’s grace is given to us every day when we believe in Jesus and surrender our lives to His Lordship. So hear and believe the good news: in Christ, we are forgiven.
People: We give thanks as we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Leader: Holy One, help us to live this week dedicated to using all that You give us, including each day of life, for Your glory and Your kingdom purpose instead of storing up riches for ourselves. Bless the tithes and offerings we have given in love and faith so that the mission of Your church may be accomplished to carry Your love and healing through Christ to all people.
People: Raised with Christ, we cast off our old selves and are clothed in our new selves, renewed in the image of our Creator.
Leader: So may we all find our home in the community of the Holy Spirit where there is no longer Jew and Gentile, man and woman, rich and poor, but where Christ is all and in all. Go on our journey with Jesus knowing that He will guide you, bless you, and use your words and actions to call other people to Himself. Go now in joy, and make disciples of Christ.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.