
招詞(イザヤ書 5章1~7節&エレミヤ書 23章23~29節に基づく)






開会祈祷(ルカの福音書 12章49~56節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Isaiah 5:1-7 & Jeremiah 23:23-29)

Leader: Let us sing for our beloved God. Let us sing our songs of love as we declare His goodness and His work in our lives and in the world around us.

People: Let us not remain hidden in secret, but gather together to declare how great is our God!

Leader: God’s word is like a fire, and His presence is light.

People: We come to be purified, changed, and sent out once again to help others join in worshipping Him.

Leader: So let us now raise our voices, our hands and our hearts in praise to God!

Opening Prayer (Based on Luke 12:49-56)

Leader: God of peace, Your call sometimes appears to divide us yet help us to overcome our fears and respond in courage. Give us faith to trust the unity that is beyond our sight. Give us eyes to recognize the signs with confidence.

People: God of wisdom, we eagerly seek Your presence in our lives and in the world. By Your Spirit, speak Your word to us and give us Your grace to recognize the abundant signs of Your care so that we might be freed to act in the world with courage.

Leader: God of hope, we confess our disregard of Your care, our doubt of Your blessing, and our blindness to signs of Your love.

People: We are afraid to risk our comforts to live a new life in You. We foster divisions between those You love and separate ourselves from You and from one another. Forgive us, and make us Your faithful people who bear the good fruit of Your Word in the world.

Leader: God hears our confession and rejoices in our repentance. God lifts us up, acknowledges the forces that seek to separate us, and brings us to peace and reconciliation through Christ. Rejoice in the good news that we are forgiven through Jesus and saved by God’s grace so that we might lived Spirit empowered lives!

People: We give thanks to Almighty God, and pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Leader: God, we trust in Your provision and in Your loving kindness.

People: Jesus, thank you for the being the Gate that protects us and helps us come in to find the food and rest we need for our souls and for our life.

Leader: Confident in You, we go forth from this place, inspired to seek reconciliation in places of division and filled with gratitude for Your promises. As you go, church, may the God of creation and restoration strengthen you for the daily tasks ahead. May God’s love and compassion assure you of your identity as God’s child, and may God’s guidance and inspiration mold you into God’s image and character. The blessing of God – Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer – be with you as you live for Him and make disciples.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.