
招詞(詩篇 103篇1~8節に基づく)






開会祈祷(エレミヤ書 1章4~10節&ヘブル人への手紙 12章18~29節に基く)







祝祷(イザヤ書 58章9節後半~14節に基く)





Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 103:1-8)

Leader: Bless the LORD! Let our souls and all that is within us bless His holy name!

People: We bless the LORD! Let us not forget all His benefits: forgiving all of our iniquity, healing our diseases, and saving us from hell.

Leader: The LORD crowns us with His steadfast love and mercy, and satisfies us with His goodness, renewing us with youthfulness like the eagle.

People: The LORD brings justice and vindication to the oppressed, not only demonstrating it to Moses and Israel, but also to us because He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and rich in abounding love.

Leader: So let us bless the LORD with our entire being and worship His holy name!

Opening Prayer (Based on Jeremiah 1:4-10 & Hebrews 12:18-29)

Leader: God of healing and reconciliation, You free us from burdens and promise to be our refuge. Help us to trust in Your power and rejoice in Your presence.

People: Almighty God, You know us better than we know ourselves. By Your word, give us wisdom and by Your Spirit, grant us healing so that we are set free to serve You.

Leader: You come to us as a consuming fire, promising us a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Yet we forget these and yield to fear. You put a word in our mouths, and send us out to build and plant, yet we feel helpless and give ourselves to distraction.

People: We trust in the material rewards of this world and neglect Your eternal promises. We confess that we are selfish and divided. Forgive us and open us to Your healing so that we are inspired to serve You with courage.

Leader: God rejoices in our longing for wholeness for this is His desire for us. Give thanks, church, for we are forgiven in Christ and made known to Him so that we may be set free to live the resurrected life of faith.

People: We give thanks in the name of our Good Shepherd, Jesus, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Isaiah 58:9b-14)

Leader: You are a good God because You guide us continuously and make us like a watered garden whose spring never fails. 

People: Use all that You have given in our lives to be food for the hungry, and to satisfy the needs of the afflicted so that Your light rises in the darkness through us. 

Leader: And may all who are blessed by Your love poured out through us take delight in You, LORD of our lives. So go forth in faith, church, trusting in God who heals every infirmity. Go forth in rejoicing into the world, sure of God’s healing, and share the good news with all people so that they may join this journey with Jesus too. May the blessing, peace, and hope of God be with you as you go and make disciples of Jesus our Good Shepherd.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.