招詞(詩篇 81篇1, 10~16節に基づく)
開会祈祷(エレミヤ書 2章4~13節、箴言 25章6~7節、ヘブル人への手紙 13章1~8, 15~16節に基く)
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 81:1, 10-16)
Leader: Sing aloud to God our strength! Shout for joy to the Lord of Life!
People: Blessed be the one, holy, and living God! Glory to God forever!
Leader: Yes, glory be to God in the church and across the globe! May all creation sing of His majesty!
People: From the rising of the sun to its setting, may the name of the LORD be praised!
Leader: Come, church, let us shout to the LORD and sing of His power and majesty in praise for He is our King!
Opening Prayer (Based on Jeremiah 2:4-13, Proverbs 25:6-7 & Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16)
Leader: Faithful God, in Jesus you show us a way of humility and hospitality with power to transform our world.
People: Give us the grace to love what pleases You, and the courage to live for Your glory.
Leader: Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us, bringing our hearts and minds alive as we hear Your word read and proclaimed today so that we may receive it as a source of blessing and put it into practice daily.
People: We confess that we have neglected to welcome others, clinging both to our fears of the unknown and the comfort of our preference. We have overlooked the imprisonment of people to their sins, hurts and fears, filling our thoughts rather with the demands of our schedules.
Leader: We confess we have loved money instead of You, and we lack contentment for what You have so generously given, always looking for more or for what we want and do not have. We have neglected doing good and sharing, preferring to hoard and satisfy ourselves.
People: We confess we have not honored you with our bodies. We have filled our minds and our eyes with what is impure. We have filled our ears and loosened our tongues for gossip.
Leader: We have failed to mutually love one another. Instead of honoring the gifts meant only for marriage between a husband and wife, we have chosen to feed our desires and pleasures, and justifying our misunderstanding of love.
People: Forgive us, we pray.
Leader: The LORD is our helper, so do not be afraid. God calls out for us to come into His presence. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let us humbly offer a sacrifice of praise to God for our forgiveness in found in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit leads us to live a new redeemed life that brings honor to God.
People: Thanks be to God! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Leader: God of grace, we give thanks for Your faithfulness to us and we rejoice in the knowledge of Your grace.
People: God has blessed us with abundance and inspires us to be generous, just as He has been towards us.
Leader: So now go prayerfully into the world, church, confident in the Lord’s provision and provide for those who cannot repay you. Remember how Christ prayed for us, and let us follow His example. May the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you as go make disciples and journey with Jesus this week.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.