2022/9/11 祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 14篇、エレミヤ書 4章11~12, 22~28節に基づく)





開会祈祷(詩篇 51篇、出エジプト記 32章7~14節に基づく)














Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 14 & Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28)

Leader: The LORD looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God.

People: Jesus says, “Seek and you will find.” God, we seek Your presence, Your wisdom and power, Your love and Your will for us and for the world. Reveal Yourself to us in our worship today.

Leader: The LORD is our refuge and He alone is good, so let all people take heed and know that it is foolish to say ‘There is no God,’ and to live by our own ways, standards, and opinions.

People: Change our hearts, O God, and test our thoughts. Give us understanding of Your word and Your ways. Purify our mouths and our hearts so that Your glory may be declared through us!

Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 51 & Exodus 32:7-14)

Leader: Gracious God, speak Your mercy into this place until we discover the courage to open our eyes, unclench our hands, and move toward our neighbor in need, until all the world rises and moves with the rhythm of Your grace.

People: For we long to honor the name Jesus.

Leader: Mighty God, You spoke the world into being so speak now to our hearts.

People: By the power of Your Holy Spirit, make these ancient words of scripture live, that we might be shaped into Your people, eager to bear Your claim in the world and to give flesh to Your future.

Leader: We thank You for signs of Your stirring: the songs and dances of children, the lingering sunlight and summer harvest, the sounds of waves splashing onto the shore, the tears of joy and thanksgiving shed in prayer and praise, and the laughter and embrace of friends.

People: We confess that we take these and all of Your gifts for granted. In our pride and self centered attitudes, we complain about what we don’t have rather than give thanks for what You have generously given. Forgive us, and wash us in Your mercy. Create clean hearts in us, O God, and put a new and right spirit within us.

Leader: Just as God held back His wrath against Israel by remembering His covenant promises, God demonstrates His desire to save us through Jesus Christ, through whom our sins are forgiven. Hear the good news and celebrate!

People: We give thanks as we respond to Jesus’ invitation for all to come to His Table of mercy. As we take the bread and the wine, let it be a testimony to all people of salvation through Jesus. In Christ we pray, Amen.


Leader: The Apostle Paul wrote these words to the young evangelist and pastor, Timothy: “Here’s a statement worthy of trust: Jesus the Anointed, the Savior King, came into the world to save sinners, and I am the worst of them all. But it is for this reason I was given mercy: by displaying His perfect patience in me, the very worst of all sinners, Jesus could show that patience to all who would believe in Him and gain eternal life.”

People: We, too, have been shown that same mercy as we acted in ignorance apart from faith. And we have been born again and redeemed so that Christ’s saving work might be demonstrated in and through us.

Leader: Yes, Church, Jesus pours His grace overs us and floods us in an abundance of faith and love that can only be found in Him. Jesus empowers us and appoints us to the ministry of sharing the gospel and calling people to begin a relationship with Jesus as His disciple. So as you journey through this week, be led by the Spirit to the Nicodemus in your own life, meet them where they are and patiently find the connection between their questions and the message of the gospel. Go now in the name of Jesus.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.