2022/9/18 祈り Prayer
招詞(詩篇 113篇、エレミヤ書 8章18節~9章1節、アモス書 8章4~7節に基づく)
開会祈祷(テモテへの手紙 第一 2章1~7節に基づく)
祝祷(ルカの福音書 16章1~13節に基づく)
Opening Slide Before Worship: Psalm 79:8-9
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 113, Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 & Amos 8:4-7)
Leader: Praise the LORD, all you who are servants through Christ. Praise the name of the LORD!
People: Blessed be the name of the LORD from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Leader: The LORD is high above all nations and His glory above the heavens. He looks down on the heavens and earth, raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ashes to seat them all in places of honor.
People: Who is like the LORD our God? God gives the childless woman a home, and gives her joy as the mother of many children of faith. God is a comforter to the weeping, a father to the orphan, a protector of the foreigner, and a healer for the brokenhearted and lonely. His loving eyes are even on the small sparrow, and He calls us into His loving care.
Leader: Let us praise the LORD!
Opening Prayer (Based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7)
Leader: You hear the cries of Your people for justice and mercy, O God, and You answer our prayers with the gift of Your Son, who bears our burdens and sets us free.
People: Speak Your truth to us, refining and purging us so that we may love and serve You alone.
Leader: By the power of Your Spirit, come to us now and plow our hearts with Your living Word until our hearts become fertile soil ready for the seeds of Your love, so that we may bear abundant fruit and bring healing in this broken world.
People: We confess that we hoard the world’s resources meant to be shared with all who need, and we yearn more for wealth than we yearn for You. Help us and deliver us, forgiving our sin.
Leader: Hear the good news: nothing you have done or will ever do is enough to separate you from the love of God made known in Jesus. In the name of the risen Christ, our sin is forgiven and our lives are made new!
People: Thanks be to God!
Leader: Move amongst us now. Breathe deeply into this space Your reconciling love and Your holy expectation. Allow us to see the faces of those we have harmed or kept at a distance, and call us to seek reconciliation.
People: We lift all that seems irreconcilable in our families, in our schools and workplaces, in this church and in this nation, as well in the world. We intercede for all leaders of the nations, of communities and organizations, as well as the pastors and leaders of your church globally, and we ask that You guide them to humbly lead in a way that all people may live peaceable and godly lives with dignity.
Leader: We pray these things in the name of Christ Jesus, our mediator.
People: Amen.
Benediction (Based on Luke 16:1-13)
Leader: Brothers and sisters in Christ, remember that no matter how dark these days become and no matter what you have squandered in the past, know that you are held by a love like this: the Creator who made you still claims you in covenant love, the Redeemer who died for you lives again and speaks His word of life into you, and the Sustainer breathes courage into your hearts.
People: We give thanks to You, O God, and we respond to our call to serve boldly for the benefit of all of Your creation.
Leader: Jesus said, “Whoever is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” So whether God has given you little or much, be faithful stewards to influence and invite all to join us in the exciting journey as disciples of Jesus and as receivers of His life changing love. Go find those who need healing and bring them to Jesus, for surely He can make them whole again. May your hands be dedicated to reaching out with the healing touch of service in the name of Jesus. Go now and live out the gospel.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.