2022/9/25 祈り Prayer
開会祈祷(エレミヤ書 32章1~15節、アモス書 6章1~7節に基づく)
会衆:どうぞ罪ある私たちをお赦しください。そして、この世界に向けられたあなたのビジョンに私たちが応答していくことができるよう、私たちの心をつくり変え、新しくしてください。この人生をもう一度あなたの御手に委ね 、私たちが心からキリストに従って歩んでいくことができるように、キリストにこの身をお捧げします。
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 91:1-6 & Psalm 146)
Leader: You who live in the shelter of the Most High God, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty will say to the LORD:
People: My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.
Leader: For He will deliver you from the evil one, and under His wings you will find refuge because He is faithful.
People: Praise the LORD,O my soul, I will praise the LORD as long as I live and sing praises to Him my whole life long!
Leader: We do not have to fear the darkness and destruction for our God is mighty to save!
People: The LORD executes justice for the oppressed, gives food to the hungry, and sets the prisoners free. The LORD opens the eyes of the blind, lifts up those bowed down, and loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the foreigners, upholds the orphan and widow, and brings the wicked to ruin.
Leader: So we gather to worship and declare that the LORD will reign forever and over all generations. Praise the LORD!
Opening Prayer (Based on Jeremiah 32:1-15 & Amos 6:1-7)
Leader: Eternal God, help us to measure our time in faithful generosity, that Your Kingdom come and Your will be done for everlasting life in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
People: God of the Prophets, by the power of the Holy Spirit, speak Your Word to us and seal it within us that we may heed Your call.
Leader: God of mercy, we confess that while we live our lives indulgently and let things rot and waste, we live in a world of people whose basic needs are not met. We are frustrated and impatient when we don’t get what we want or when things don’t go our way or according to our plan, yet we remain indifferent to Your call and desire to help the weak.
People: Forgive us, and change our hearts to respond to Your vision for this world. We put our lives into Your hands again and surrender ourselves to the way of Christ, that our journey may follow Him wholeheartedly.
Leader: Believe the good news: in Jesus, we are forgiven.
People: Thanks be to God!
Leader: Now let us gather around the Table of Jesus to celebrate what God has given us through Christ, and respond with hearts of gratitude as we bring our tithes and offerings to be used for God’s work through the church.
People: In Christ we pray, Amen.
Leader: We give You thanks and praise, generous God, for every good gift that comes from Your hand: food and clothing, life and health, family and friends, and above all the treasure of grace.
People: Jesus, you truly are the Resurrection and the Life! Make us rich in good works, ready to share all in this life and all that brings true life.
Leader: In this week, Church, pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. As you leave this place, may the sovereign LORD bless you, the Christ of mercy keep you, and the Holy Spirit sustain you. Go give glory to God in all things!
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.