
招詞(詩篇 139篇1~6, 13~18節に基づく)








開会祈祷(エレミヤ書 18章1~11節、申命記 30章15~20節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18)

Leader: O Eternal One, You have explored our hearts and know exactly who we are; You even know the small details like when we sit and when we stand up again. Even when we’re far away, You what we’re thinking.

People: That is why we have gathered in worship and draw close to You. We want to know You, we want to know Your heart, and Your will for us.

Leader: You observe our wanderings and our sleeping, You see our dreams. You know what we’re going to say long before we say it, and Your protection come in surrounding us and placing Your hand on us.

People: Holy Spirit, guide us back to You. Awake us from our spiritual sleep and open our eyes to see Jesus today and every day.

Leader: It is the most amazing feeling to know how deeply You know us inside and out; we can’t really comprehend that You formed us while we were still in the womb and before we took our first breath.

People: So we offer You our grateful hearts, filled with wonder and awe, as Your unique creation because Your works are wonderful and excellent!

Leader: Nothing is hidden from You. You see all things, and You establish the length of our lives. So we worship You because You are awesome and worthy of our praise, and we treasure being near You and known and loved by You!

Opening Prayer (Based on Jeremiah 18:1-11 & Deuteronomy 30:15-20)

Leader: We worship You and glorify You, most Holy One, as we declare Your goodness!

People: Open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts by Your Holy Spirit so that we may receive Your word today and respond by bringing our hearts and lives back into Your hands.

Leader: We thank you God for shaping us, as a skillful potter reshapes the clay, and as You mold us daily into vessels that we can be better used for Your Kingdom purposes.

People: Though You have set life and prosperity or death and adversity before us clearly, we confess that we have failed to love You by failing to obey Your commands and walk in Your ways. We have turned our hearts away, and served the gods of self satisfaction and convenience. Forgive us and draw us back to Your heart.

Leader: Beloved people of God, your sins are forgiven through Jesus who gave Himself as an offering on the cross, and defeated death by His resurrection. Celebrate this good news by living changed lives and sharing the gospel with all who have not surrendered their lives to Him.

People: We give thanks! And we pray this in the name of Christ, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Philemon 1)

Leader: Have Your own way in us, LORD, for You are the Potter and we are Your clay. From our first cries to our final breath, we belong to You. Bind us to one another in love as a church so that Your purposes may be accomplished through us bringing together and sharing the gifts You have given.

People: As a church, we are given a message meant for all people and sent to them to share the good news that Jesus has not come to condemn the world but rather to save it! 

Leader: Yes, Church, demonstrate love for the family of faith as a testimony of your faith in Jesus, and watch how the Spirit uses it to help us perceive all that Christ can do through us together. The call to discipleship requires sacrifice, yet welcome God’s molding and experience the greater fullness of His true joy. May God sustain you by His grace as you journey with Jesus this week.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.