2023/1/1 祈り Prayer
招詞(イザヤ書 60章1~6節に基づく)
開会祈祷(ヘブル人への手紙 2章10~18節に基づく)
祝祷(詩篇 148篇に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Isaiah 60:1-6)
Leader: Arise and shine, church, for your light has come in the birth of Christ. Jesus is revealed, and shines forth for all to see. On this first day of the new year, and the first day of this new week, the glory of the LORD has risen upon us.
People: Our hearts rejoice with anticipation because of Your abundant goodness and love, and we have come to proclaim Your praise!
Leader: Let us dedicate ourselves as a church to make God first and to love God with all of our being. Let’s commit to love each other and love others, and declare God’s faithfulness to all people.
People: Let us give thanks for God’s presence and blessing in our midst in the last year, and lay before Him this new year making a covenant to know God more and to grow into Jesus’ likeness so that we can be sent with the Spirit.
Leader: Let us lift our hearts and voices in song, a song of joy, giving praise to our God who saves!
Opening Prayer (Based on Hebrews 2:10-18)
Leader: Exalted God, even as the heavenly host sang of Your glory in the night skies over Bethlehem, and even as the star shone in the heavens gathering people to worship the newborn King, Jesus Christ, so we also gather young and old together to recount all the good You have done, and to worship You and sing of Your glory!
People: The Word became flesh and made His dwelling amongst us: Emmanuel, God with us. Holy Spirit, open our eyes to the light as we see Jesus revealed in the word read and proclaimed today. Open our hearts to receive that word anew, and to begin this new year with a fresh expectation that You will change us and use us for Your glory.
Leader: We confess that we have been indifferent to You, not passionate about Your desire and plan but rather distracted by other worries and fears and interests.
People: Forgive us for not loving You, not loving each other, and not loving Your creation as we should. Help us to be bold against injustice and violence, and seek to protect the weak and vulnerable. Help us to live in harmony and peace, and free us from fear.
Leader: Beloved children of God, Jesus Christ came to help sinners, and it is through Him we are saved. We are forgiven! Let us dedicate ourselves this new year to letting every person know this good news and invite them on the journey with Jesus.
People: We give thanks, and pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Benediction (Based on Psalm 148)
Leader: All of creation worships You, O God: the heavens and angels, the sun, moon and shining stars, the earth and sea, and every living creature, kings and princes, men and women both young and old.
People: As we close the Christmas celebration, welcome a new year, and begin the Season of Epiphany, we receive the gifts You have given us and ask You to use them in this new year to reveal Christ to all whom we know, love, and share life with.
Leader: Go and share the good news with a world brought low from suffering and fear: Jesus Christ has come to help us and to set us free! Sing the song of joy about Jesus, and teach others to join in the chorus of praise to Him! As you leave this place, may the love of God uphold you, the light of Christ guide you, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill you with joy! Go in the grace of God.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.