2023/1/22 祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 27篇1、4~9節に基づく)










開会祈祷(コリント人への手紙 第一 1章10~18節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 27:1, 4-9)

Leader: The Lord is our light and our salvation!

People: So whom shall we fear?

Leader: The Lord is a fortress of protection that surrounds us!

People: So we have no reason to be afraid!

Leader: One thing we ask the Lord, one thing we seek of God:

People: To live in God’s presence all the days of our lives, to behold the Lord’s beauty, and consider His ways together with our community of faith.

Leader: Our hearts call out to us, saying ‘Come and seek His face!’

People: We have gathered at this time and in this place to seek Your face, O God of our salvation! We offer our sacrifices with shouts of joy, and we sing praises to Your Name!

Leader: Yes, we lift our hearts and voices in praise to Your Name!

Opening Prayer (Based on 1 Corinthians 1:10-18)

Leader: God, You are our light and salvation! Jesus announced the nearness of Your Kingdom and called His disciples to be fishers of men and women. 

People: Give us courage to follow in the way of Jesus, so that our lives may testify the good news of the Kingdom and may be used in service to draw people to Your salvation. 

Leader: Holy Spirit, open our hearts and minds as we hear Your word read and proclaimed today, so that our eyes may see Your Kingdom, our ears may hear Your call, and our hearts may experience the joy of Your salvation.

People: Forgive us for being selfish in relationships, for being paralyzed by fear, and for failing to be faithful to You. Shine Your light into our hearts, and unite us with one purpose so that we may have the mind of Christ.

Leader: God offers forgiveness to all who come in repentance. Trust in God, beloved church, because God breaks the chains of all that enslaves us, and heals us through the power of the Holy Spirit and through covering us in the mercy of Jesus Christ.

People: We give thanks and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Leader: God is the source of all good things and has given us what we need and even more!

People: In joyful responses of thanksgiving, and with love, we have given our offerings and will surrender our lives to be used for God’s Kingdom.

Leader: Christ calls us to be fishers of women and men for the sake of His Kingdom. He redeems us and restores us as a testimony of His unchanging love and His desire for us to join Him on the journey of faith. Filled with His love, Jesus sends us out to demonstrate our love for Him by caring for others and sharing the good news that they are welcome to join the journey with Jesus too. Church, the Holy Spirit goes before us to guide us, and empowers us so that we can be, do, and say all things to bring glory to God, our light and our salvation. Go now and make disciples of Jesus.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.