2023/2/12 祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 119篇 1~8節に基づく)




開会祈祷(申命記 30章15~20節、コリント人への手紙 第一 3章1~9節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 119:1-8)

Leader: Joy comes to those who walk in the way of the LORD, seeking Him with whole hearts and living in His blameless ways.

People: O, that we may be found steadfast in keeping Your ways, O God! Let us not be put to shame, but fix our eyes on Your commandments and praise You with upright hearts!

Leader: What a blessing it is to gather with the community of Christ, our spiritual family. May God be praised as we lift our hearts and voices together in praise to God – our God who saves!

Opening Prayer (Based on Deuteronomy 30:15-20 & 1 Corinthians 3:1-9)

Leader: God of blessing, You call us to be one with You and with Your creation in love, faithfulness, and truth. Help us to carry out the vows we make to love You with our whole hearts, to live in mutual support of one another as a church, and to love as if Your reign has fully come.

People: Loving God, anoint us with Your Holy Spirit as we hear Your word today. Fill us with Your truth so that we may walk in Your ways and give glory to You.

Leader: We confess that we turn our hearts away and refuse to listen, that we make other things and people our priorities over You and serve them. We fail to obey You and to choose life, not only for ourselves but also for those who come after us.

People: We confess our spiritual immaturity, often being jealous and argumentative. We form groups and factions, or we try to live and do things by our own power, when its convenient for us, and for our own glory. Forgive us, we pray.

Leader: Sisters and brothers baptized into Christ, hear this good news: by the mercy of Jesus our Lord, are forgiven!

People: Thanks be to God! We pray in Christ, Amen.


Leader: Holy God, we have offered what we have with joy and thanksgiving, praying that they may be seeds planted and watered to grow Your Kingdom here.

People: As Your people, may we cultivate Your love trusting that You will bring growth and bear fruit through the Holy Spirit.

Leader: Go now amongst the crowds and share the gospel of Christ with them. Carry His love into their midst and help them to taste and see that the Lord is good. Invite them on the journey with Jesus, and bring glory to God as you make disciples by baptizing them and teaching them to obey Christ. As you go, may the wisdom of God, the love of Christ, and the peace of the Spirit shine brightly in your lives.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.