2023/2/19 祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 2篇、99篇に基づく)







開会祈祷(出エジプト記 24章12~18節、詩篇 99篇、マタイの福音書 17章1~9節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Psalms 2 & 99)

Leader: The LORD our God is king, and He is exalted over all the nations. Holy is He!

People: Let us praise Your great and awesome name!

Leader: Mighty King, lover of justice, You have established equity, and You have executed justice and righteousness through Jesus our Lord.

People: Let us extol the LORD our God, and worship at His feet!

Leader: O LORD our God, You are forgiving and we take refuge in You.

People: So we bring our offerings of worship, and surrender our lives before You, declaring Your goodness and grace to all peoples!

Opening Prayer (Based on Exodus 24:12-18, Psalm 99 & Matthew 17:1-9)

Leader: Majestic and mighty God, You have blessed us by showing us Your glory, so give us faith to hear Your voice and open our eyes to see Christ revealed to us, helping us to stand without fear.

People: Make us attentive to Your Word, like a lamp shining in the dark, so that we may know Your truth and live faithful lives until that great day when we are gathered for eternity.

Leader: Sovereign God, You revealed your love and guidance for us on Mount Sinai and on the Mount of Transfiguration, giving us a vision of how to live in equity and peace. We pray for all those who are in search of You, that they may walk by the light of Your Spirit and be at peace in You.

People: You offer us wisdom and shine like a lamp for our feet, yet we fail to listen to You and follow Your guidance. Forgive us and heal us, so that we may walk in Your ways.

Leader: The good news of our faith is this: if we call upon God, we can be assured of forgiveness in response. That promise gives us peace and joy which is to be shared with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and testified to those who are not yet His disciples.

People: Thanks be to God for this good news! Use us in Your mission, God, and it is in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Leader: God of mountaintops and valleys, be our vision and our guide, as You call us out to share the testimony that Jesus is Your beloved Son who pleases You and that we should respond with obedience to what He says and does.

People: You have shone Your Light, Jesus, into our hearts and lives, revealing to us Your love and pointing us on the way to salvation through Him.

Leader: Christ has been revealed to us so that we might follow Him and transform the world. As we finish the Season of Epiphany and begin the Season of Lent this week, shine Your light on us and prepare our hearts. For from dust we have come, and to dust our earthen bodies will return. Yet all who journey with Christ will live forever. Just as Jesus forgave and sent the woman away to live a transformed life, Jesus likewise sends us out as transformed people to invite others into this life changing love. Take this hopeful message and share the invitation with all who would become disciples of Jesus as you go through this week.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.