2023/2/26 祈り Prayer











開会祈祷(創世記 2章15~17節 & 3章1~7節、詩篇 32篇に基づく)














Call To Worship

Leader: People of God, we have entered the Season of Lent, a 40 day journey through the wilderness that leads to the cross.

People: All six candles are lit as we begin this spiritual journey with Christ.

Leader: People of God, on this wilderness journey, what will you eat?

People: The word of the Lord is our daily bread.

Leader: People of God, in this time of temptation, how will you live?

People: Our dependence and faith is rooted in the faithfulness of God.

Leader: People of God, at this kingdom crossroad, Whom will you serve?

People: We worship the Lord our God alone.

Leader: Let us come humbly before Him with hearts and souls that long for His presence.

Opening Prayer (Based on Genesis 2:15-17 & 3:1-7 and Psalm 32)

Leader: As we devote these 40 days to You, O God, shape us by Your Holy Spirit into the image of Christ our Lord, so that by Your grace we may be ready to confront the power of death with the promise of eternal life.

People: O God, may the words of Your mouth be our daily bread, and may the leading of Your Spirit become our way.

Leader: We pray for all who are hungry – whether hungry for power, or hungry for a simple meal. Show those who seek to be mighty that You alone can satisfy their deepest need, and feed the poor from the abundance of Your good creation.

People: We intercede for the nation of Cambodia: a nation that struggles with poverty and greed, with corruption and injustice. We thank You for the work of love and justice, of empowerment and education that we do through Beatitude Cambodia School.

Leader: We ask You to bless and protect the staff and students at BCS, and in this Lenten season where we practice giving to the poor, move greatly in the hearts of all who are gathered here today to give with generous love and blessing.

People: You know the nakedness of our sin, just as You knew of Adam and Eve’s sin. We confess that we have been disobedient to Your word, denying Your provision and care and relying on our own strength. Have mercy on us, covering us with Your grace, and feed us the bread of life so that we may be recreated in Your image.

Leader: Be glad in the Lord and shout for joy, beloved church: in Christ we are forgiven and restored, and sent out to join Jesus in His mission for the Kingdom!

People: Thanks be to God! We pray in the name of Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, Amen. 


Leader: As You have so freely offered us the gift of life in Jesus Christ, we have responded with gratitude in our offerings for the work of Your church and in the Cambodian mission. May You receive all glory and praise, O God!

People: We give You thanks for the gift of grace, and for inviting us to respond with hearts of mercy and hands open to serve and to provide for the needs of others.

Leader: Go now, church, as a sign of unending gratitude for Christ’s undying love, by surrendering all that you are and all that you have for God’s Kingdom purposes. Remember that the wilderness journey of Lent is a journey that Jesus has made, and we join on Him on this journey to the cross. May the steadfast love of God surround you throughout these 40 days as you make disciples.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.