2023/2/5 祈りPrayer

招詞(詩篇 112篇 1~10節に基づく)








開会祈祷(イザヤ書 58章1~10節、コリント人への手紙 第一 2章1~16節に基づく)











祝祷(マタイの福音書 5章13~20節に基づく)





Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 112:1-10)

Leader: Praise the LORD! 

People: All who fear the LORD and find delight in His commands are filled with joy!

Leader: It is a blessing to their descendants and a precious inheritance given to every generation.

People: Yes, those who follow in the ways of Christ rise in the darkness as a light, and the Spirit fills them with grace and mercy, with generosity, and with righteousness and justice.

Leader: Future generations will not need to fear because their hearts will be firm and secure in the LORD.

People: They will share with all who need, caring for the poor and sick, the vulnerable and weak, because all they have is from God and to be used for His glory.

Leader: So let us be faithful to God, dedicating our hearts and lives to worship now, so that all generations that follow us may be blessed!

Opening Prayer (Based on Isaiah 58:1-10 & 1 Corinthians 2:1-16)

Leader: Holy God, may Your goodness shine through us as we worship You, and offer praise to Your most holy name!

People: For You alone are worthy of our praise!, and we humble ourselves before You!

Leader: Jesus humbled Himself, coming to earth to shine Your light so that all might be saved.

People: We humble ourselves before You as we approach Your throne and revel in Your presence!

Leader: As Your Word is spoken, open our ears and our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may know You more and follow in the way of righteousness.

People: As we go from this place, help us not to go out with lofty words and our own wisdom to proclaim your mysteries, but like the Apostle Paul, help us to resolve to know nothing, to speak nothing, to demonstrate nothing except the crucified Jesus Christ, and to do so in humility and love.

Leader: We confess that we have failed to acknowledge our sins. We worship You with our lips yet dishonor You with our actions and attitudes. We seek Your help to end the world’s suffering, yet we do not practice compassion and generosity.

People: Forgive us, and show mercy to us, letting the light of Your salvation shine forth.

Leader: The good news is that in His mercy, God forgives us through Christ, giving us genuine repentance through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit.

People: We give thanks, and pray these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Matthew 5:13-20)

Leader: Church, Jesus says that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

People: As salt, we are called to change the areas that broken and wrong, and to preserve that which is good. As light, we are called to bring hope and goodness in the things we say and do.

Leader: Yes, so let your light shine before others and teach them to give glory to God the Father in heaven. Share everything that you have received from Him, and dedicate yourselves to the testimony of the church as we minister and offer all for the Kingdom of God. As you go invite others to join the journey with Christ, may the Holy Spirit take away their blindness and open their eyes to see Jesus and the hope that is found only in Him. May Christ, the true light, shine upon you as you go in His name.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.