2023/3/19 祈りPrayer
開会祈祷(詩篇 23:4~6、ヨハネ 9、エペソ 5:8~14に基づく)
Call To Worship
Leader: God does not see as humans see:
People: We look at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.
Leader: Jesus, Light of the World, give us eyes to see as You see!
People: Once we lived in darkness but now as children of light we are called to new life.
Leader: In this Season of Lent, a time of repentance, fasting, and prayer, we lay our hearts before God and ask Him to purify us and make us new. We turn from our ways and return to God’s ways.
People: Now just three candles burn as we draw closer to the cross of Christ.
Leader: Let us draw closer to God’s presence as we come before Him in worship.
Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 23:4-6, John 9 & Ephesians 5:8-14)
Leader: Holy God, why is it that we look but we do not see? Bring us again and again into Your light until Your ways become visible to us and bear fruit in us.
People: Touch us so that we are utterly changed and so that we may say, “though I was blind, now I see.” Lord, we believe and help our unbelief.
Leader: Gracious God, bring light to our hearts and minds as the Scriptures are read and proclaimed, so that by Your Holy Spirit we may see what is good, right, and true and in seeing, help us to do what is pleasing to You so that Your glory becomes visible in our words and deeds.
People: We confess that we choose dark valleys over living in Your light. We keep shameful deeds secret, but flaunt our occasional acts of virtue. We see ourselves as blameless while passing judgment on others. We do not stand with those who are vulnerable but rather protect ourselves. Forgive us, bringing us into Your light again so that we may live more fruitful lives, enjoying Your anointing and feasting at Your table with You and with one another.
Leader: The psalmist ensures us that God’s goodness and mercy will follow us and pursue us all the days of our lives. As God’s forgiven people, receive this gift and live a new life in the grace of Jesus Christ.
People: We give thanks and praise, and offer ourselves anew with repentant hearts and thirsty souls. We pray in Christ, Amen.
Leader: Our lives overflow with Your goodness, O God, and in gratitude we have come to Your Table, into Your presence, and into Your house. For all that You have done for us, we offer our thanks and praise!
People: Like Mary, we have sat at Your feet, trying to get as close as we can to You, and receiving all of the love You have to offer.
Leader: That love is not meant to be hoarded, but to transform us and overflow through us to share with others. So arise and shine, church! Go into the world and bear the fruit of Christ’s light so that all may see, know, and live as children of the light to the glory of God. Invite people onto the journey with Jesus, and make disciples who will obey Him and follow Him every step of the way.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.