2023/3/5 祈り Prayer

招詞(創世記 12章1~4節、ヨハネの福音書 3章1~17節に基づく)







開会祈祷(詩篇 121篇、ヨハネの福音書 3章1~17節に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on Genesis 12:1-4 & John 3:1-17)

Leader: God sent Abraham, Sarah, and Lot on a journey. Likewise, God calls us to follow Him on a journey in trust.

People: God is able to make us more than we have been in the past, and blesses us along the way.

Leader: Just as Jesus invited Nicodemus to be born again, Christ invites us to become a new creation.

People: Jesus calls us out of darkness into His marvelous light, and we are saved through Him and invited on a journey of discipleship.

Leader: Today we gather on this journey to give glory to God as a family of faith in this Season of Lent.

People: Now just five candles burn as we draw closer on this journey to the cross of Christ. Let us come before Him in prayer and praise.

Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 121 & John 3:1-17)

Leader: God, our helper and protector, You are able to give life and to call into being things that do not exist. We trust in Your power to make all things new until we are brought to Your kingdom promised in Christ.

People: God of signs and wonders, we come to Your word again and again, seeking understanding and the new life it offers. By the power of Your Spirit, open our hearts and minds so that we may believe what is read and proclaimed, and have eternal life through Jesus.

Leader: We come before you in need of forgiveness and grace. You call us to trust in You completely but we do not. We are timid and fearful, and we justify our own actions and words even when they are contrary to what You require.

People: We struggle to understand the new life Christ offers and prefer to keep old habits instead of risky change. Forgive us, we pray, and help us to be born again into the life of Christ, trusting that You have included us into the family of faith by grace.

Leader: Friends, God is for us and not against us! For that very reason, God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but to save it through Him. Believe the good news that in Jesus Christ we are forgiven!

People: Thanks be to God! And we pray in the name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.


Leader: Gracious God, we dedicate not only the gifts and offerings we have given, but also ourselves in deep gratitude for Your call on our lives, Your guidance into baptism, and Your blessings poured through us to bless others.

People: Like Martha, help us to willingly seek You out in every moment and to confess to You and to others that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior of our lives. 

Leader: That testimony of faith will help others to begin their journey with Christ too, so do not hesitate but be filled with Christ’s love and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share this testimony with all whom you meet this week. Trust that God is at work in the testimony, and that He is drawing all people to Himself. Put your lives in God’s hands, church, and let God use you in everything you say and do this week for His glory.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.