2023/4/16 祈り Prayer
招詞(1ペテロ 1:3~9に基づく)
開会祈祷(詩篇 16、ヨハネ 20:19~31に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on 1 Peter 1:3-9)
Leader: Blessed be the God of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
People: God has given us a new birth in the living hope of the resurrection, and an inheritance that is imperishable and unfading.
Leader: We rejoice in these things, even when we suffer trials. For though we have not seen Jesus, we love Him and believe in Him.
People: The outcome of our faith is the salvation of our souls. So we come before You in faith, worshipping You and believing that the Spirit will change our hearts and transform our lives for Your glory.
Opening Prayer (Based on Psalm 16 & John 20:19-31)
Leader: God of signs and wonders, You have revealed to us that Jesus is Your Son and our Savior. Strengthen our faith, so we may have life in Christ’s name.
People: Send Your Holy Spirit upon the reading of Your Word that it may serve to show us the path of life and lead us into Your presence where there is fullness of joy.
Leader: We pray for all nations and their leaders and people, that Your wisdom and peace may prevail. And we pray for the global church that You may use all of us as makers of Your peace, messengers of hope, and witnesses to the life changing gospel.
People: God, You have made known to us the ways of life, yet too often put other things and other people above You and before You. We turn away from Your way of life, we fail to give You our best in worship, and we hide our faith from others. Forgive us, help us turn back to You, and bring us to a greater experience of the fullness of Your joy.
Leader: Friends, God is our refuge and will not abandon us. In the resurrected Christ, we are reconciled to God, and given the promise of peace and joy. Celebrate your forgiveness in Christ!
People: We share the peace of Christ with one another and give thanks in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Leader: Jesus, through the Apostle John’s gospel account, we see how You invited many people to journey with You and how they experienced life transformation through Your love and the power of the Holy Spirit.
People: You have invited all of us to journey with You, and You give us that very same blessing.
Leader: And You send us out to share the gospel story again and again, inviting all people to join us on the journey with Jesus. So fill us with joy, and strengthen our faith that brings salvation, trusting in You and in the power of Your love. Go church, and may the God who loves and resurrects us give you a double portion of the Holy Spirit’s blessing to empower you as you give a true testimony of living hope for the world.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.