2023/4/23 祈り Prayer

招詞(1ペテロ 1:17~23に基づく)






開会祈祷(ルカ 24:13~35、使徒 2:14a, 36~41に基づく)












Call To Worship (Based on 1 Peter 1:17-23)

Leader: Followers of Jesus, by His cross and precious blood we are redeemed from the futility of sin inherited by our ancestors.

People: By His resurrection we are free from the fear of death.

Leader: By His love we are made new in the living and enduring Word of God.

People: Alleluia! Thanks be to God!

Leader: So let us rise and lift our voices, our hands, our hearts, and our lives in worship to the God of resurrection who has saved us! And let us show genuine love to one another, filled with the hope we have in Christ!

Opening Prayer (Based on Luke 24:13-35 & Acts 2:14a, 36-41)

Leader: Almighty God, our risen Lord Jesus was made known to the disciples in the breaking of the bread. Open the eyes of our hearts that we may recognize His presence and cry out with His disciples:

People: The Lord has risen, indeed!

Leader: You opened the meaning of the Scriptures to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and set their hearts ablaze. By the power of Your Spirit, kindle our hearts as we hear Your word proclaimed so that we may receive You with joy.

People: Our world is filled with corruption: power disguises itself as truth, convenience masquerades as goodness, and selfish pleasure imitates love. We confess that we have been caught up in the sins of the world, and we ask You to forgive us and to save us from these deceptions, free us for glad obedience, and help us to see the joy of Jesus’ resurrection and the promised everlasting life.

Leader: Followers of Jesus: God has promised salvation to us, to our children, and to all who are near and far. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

People: we pray these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.


Leader: God’s generous and bountiful gifts to us are too numerous to count, and in gratitude we have offered our hearts and the fruit of our labor to God’s service.

People: Let our lives be offered as living sacrifices of thanksgiving to our risen Lord!

Leader: Our journey with Jesus never ends, but continues into eternity. We give thanks for the ways we have seen the changes in the lives of others, and the ways we have experienced changes in our own. As we step forward into a new fiscal year, we commit as a church to follow Jesus, who is the head of the church and to surrender our lives to serve in His mission, just as we covenanted in our baptism. As we go into this new week, church, go in the joy of the resurrection, purifying your souls through obedience to the truth, and being genuine in love. May our church and each one of us be blessed with the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, the love of God who raised Him from the dead, and the power of the Holy Spirit who fills the world with new life. Go, and make disciples of Jesus.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.