2023/4/9 祈り Prayer
開会祈祷(マタイ 28:1~10に基づく)
司会:イエスを死者の中からよみがえらせた神は、私たちを死に引き渡されませんでした。教会よ、この良い知らせを聞いてください。 キリストはよみがえられました!そして、そのキリストによって私たちは赦されているのです!
Call To Worship
Leader: Beloved people, behold the victory of our God: Jesus our Lord has conquered the grave!
People: Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Leader: Sin and death shall reign no more!
People: Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Leader: Let this place resound with joy. Let us celebrate the joy of Easter: the good news is that Jesus is not in the tomb. He has resurrected, conquering sin and death, and through Him we have life!
People: Christ is risen! Alleluia! Let us worship with joy and praise, and bring our offerings to the God of Resurrection!
Opening Prayer (Based on Matthew 28:1-10)
Leader: Almighty God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ You broke the power of death and opened the way to eternal life.
People: As the empty tomb stands witness to His triumph over death, make Your church be a bold testimony globally to His enduring victory in life, so that all we do may proclaim ‘He is risen indeed!’
Leader: As we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, renew our faith and strengthen our testimony in Jesus’ name. By the power of Your Spirit, roll away the stone and reveal to us the Word of Life.
People: We have been raised from the waters of baptism to share in Your glorious resurrection, Jesus. Yet we have not lived as ‘Easter’ people, unsure of Your promise, confused about Your will, and afraid in the face of danger so we fail to confess Your victory over death. Forgive our sin, and raise us again to new life.
Leader: God who raised Jesus from the dead has not given us over to death. Hear the good news Church: Christ is risen, and through Him we are forgiven!
People: We give thanks and we pray in Your Name, Jesus, Amen.
Leader: Like Mary Magdalene, we weep at the tomb failing to recognize Your presence but You have opened our eyes, called us by name, and shown us the power of Your resurrection!
People: And now, like Mary Magdalene, You send us to tell others about the hope of this good news and invite them to respond in faith.
Leader: Receive the good news that Christ is risen from the dead. Tell the good news that the power of death shall oppress us no more. Live the good news that we are free to love in the same way He has loved us. Tell everyone that Christ is risen, and invite them to become disciples, journeying with Jesus and with the community of Resurrection people, the church. Go and serve in His name.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.