2022年5月22日 祈り Prayer
礼拝前のスライド: ヨハネの黙示録22:3~5
説教:ヨハネによる福音書 19章25~27節
聖餐:使徒の働き 16章9~15節
祝祷(使徒の働き 16章9~15節、ヨハネの黙示録 22章に基づく)
Opening Slide Before Worship: Revelation 22:3-5
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 67)
Leader: May God be gracious to us and bless us, making His face shine upon us so that His ways may be known upon the earth.
People: May Your saving power, O God, be known among all nations.
Leader: Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for You judge us all with equity and guide the nations on the earth.
People: God, our God, has blessed us. May God continue to bless us, and may all the ends of the earth fear Him.
Leader: Let us be in awe and glory of our God as we lift our voices and hearts in praise.
Opening Prayer (Based on John 14, Acts 16 & Revelation 21)
Leader: God, Your revelation through John astonishes us with the vision of a heavenly city where all nations and people will stream to find nourishment, healing and peace. Even now Your blessing shines upon the earth to help us see a larger vision of Your loving care for all of creation.
People: You call us to move beyond our circles of comfort into unfamiliar places as we seek to share Your vision of a world made new in Christ.
Leader: You sent Your apostle to preach the gospel to women gathered by a river in a secluded place of prayer. Lydia, a successful businesswoman, was led by the Spirit to hear Your word of truth and because You opened her heart in love, she opened her home for spreading the gospel of Christ to others.
People: Fling wide the doors of our hearts by the power of Your Holy Spirit, O God, as we hear Your word of life read and proclaimed today, and open our lives and homes so that all may hear, know, and welcome the gospel of Jesus into their lives too.
Leader: We confess that we are an anxious people: denying Your blessing, and failing to keep Your Word.
People: Forgive us for these sins and all others, that we might live in peace with You, with one another and with all people.
Leader: Hear the good news, Church: God loves you and forgives your wrongdoing. Beloved, receive the peace of Christ, and let your hearts be still as you live in community with Christ and with one another.
People: Thanks be to God! In Christ we pray, Amen.
Sermon Text: John 19:25-27
Communion Reflection: Acts 16:9-15
Benediction (Based on Acts 16 & Revelation 22)
Leader: God, You are the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end. We long to be with You forever in Your heavenly city as we lift our voices in unending praise to You.
People: You bless Your church throughout the ages with leaders like Paul and Lydia to share in spreading the gospel. Give us, and the global church, a profound sense of the mission to which You call us and empower us for the life and health of the world. Send out Your Spirit to renew the earth.
Leader: As spring bursts forth blossoms that show Your love, You bless us from generation to generation with the new life of Easter faith. All that we are and all that we have that is good comes from You. Help us to share this gladly with others so that they might be blessed. As You send us from this place, help us to live in love, abide in peace, and serve You. May the Lord be gracious to you, church, that you may live a life of praise. On your journey with Jesus throughout this week, go find the Lydias in this community and share the gospel with them, trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to change their lives and yours.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.