7/3祈り Prayer

招詞(詩篇 66篇1~9節に基づく)







開会祈祷(列王記 第二 5章1~4節 & 詩篇 30篇に基づく)









祝祷(ガラテヤ人への手紙 6章1~16節に基づく)





Call To Worship (Psalm 66:1-9)

Leader: Shout out to God, all the earth. Erupt with joy to the one True God! Sing of the glory due His name! Offer Him the most magnificent praises, and say to God:

People: All You have done is wondrous and causes fear! Your power is mighty, and Your enemies pretend to submit to You. The entire earth will bow down to worship You and will sing glory-songs to You; they will sing praises to Your name!

Leader: Come and witness the True God’s endless works. His miraculous deeds done on behalf of humanity inspire fear. He transformed the sea into dry land; the people of Israel passed through the river on foot! Rejoice in God; celebrate what He did there!

People: By His great might, He rules forever; His eyes watch over all the nations, so no one should go up against Him.

Leader: Everyone, bless our True God! Let praise-filled voices be heard near and far – at home and on foreign soil!

People: Praise the One who gives us life and keeps us safe, who does not allow us to stumble in the darkness.

Opening Prayer (Based on 2 Kings 5:1-4 & Psalm 30)

Leader: In Kings we read of Naaman, a great commander of the Aramean army in high favor of the King of Aram, yet even the mighty warrior suffered from leprosy.

People: A young girl of Israel taken captive to serve Naaman’s wife testified to Your power, O God, shown through Your prophet Elisha who instructed Naaman to wash his body seven times in the Jordan River. According to Your word, he was healed and made clean.

Leader: You demonstrated Your greatness and power over all of humanity, over every government and military power. You are the God that is above all gods, and You alone are worthy of our worship!

People: Likewise, Your word speaks to us today as it did through Elisha to Naaman. Holy Spirit, open our ears and hearts to hear Your word read and proclaimed, and help us to respond with obedience and joy.

Leader: Just as Naaman was healed through his immersion in the River Jordan, so we find healing and forgiveness in the waters of baptism as we are washed in the blood of Your Son, Jesus, who gave up His life for us while we lived in the poverty of our sin.

People: We receive our new life in Christ with gratitude, and we look upon the spiritual poverty in the people around us, and in the physical poverty in Cambodia and elsewhere, and we respond by giving our lives and the money and belongings You have entrusted to us to bless Your mission and participate in Your inbreaking Kingdom.

Leader: You have turned the mourning of this world into dancing, and take off our sackcloth and clothe us rather in joy so that our souls may praise You and not be silent. O LORD our God, we will give thanks to You forever!

People: In Christ we pray, Amen.

Benediction (Based on Galatians 6:1-16)

Leader: God, just as You have been tender and compassionate towards us, You call us who have received the Holy Spirit to be on guard against our own temptation to sin, and to gently restore those in our faith community who are caught by sin. By doing so, we shoulder each other’s burdens and live in a way that brings honor to Jesus and testifies to His love.

People: None of us have reason to be proud, nor are we better than any other Christian brother or sister. What we sow, we harvest: if we invest our time, our lives, and what we have into the things of this world, we harvest destruction but if we invest in life in the Holy Spirit, we harvest everlasting life.

Leader: So may we never tire of doing good and what is right, seizing every opportunity the Lord gives to be a blessing to all people, especially to those within the family of faith. Anticipate a season of great harvest to come as we live by the power of the Holy Spirit! May God’s peace and mercy come to us all as we journey with Jesus this week as His disciples and bring the gospel in word and in deed to those around us. Go now in the name of Jesus our Lord!

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.