今週の祈り Prayer of this week

2022年5月15日 – 復活節 V







開会祈祷(ヨハネの福音書13章、使徒の働き11章、ヨハネの黙示録 21章に基づく)









祝祷(ヨハネの福音書 13章31~35節に基づく)





May 15 – Easter V

Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 148) 

Leader: Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens and the highest heights, all His angels and heavenly hosts: the sun, moon, and shining stars!

People: Let them all praise the name of the LORD, for He commanded and they were created. He established them forever and fixed their boundaries which cannot be changed.

Leader: Praise the LORD from the earth, everything in the sea and all who obey His commands: fire and hail, snow, frost, and stormy winds! Mountains, hills, fruit trees and great cedars, all animals of the earth, birds of the air, and fish of the sea – praise Him!

People: Kings and leaders of all peoples, men and women alike, both old and young together: praise the name of the LORD for only His name is exalted and only His glory is above the earth and heaven!

Leader: Come, all who are faithful, gather close as we praise the LORD!

Opening Prayer (Based on John 13, Acts 11 & Revelation 21)

Leader: In the resurrection of Jesus Christ, You make all things new, O God, and You surprise us with Your power, Your passion, and Your saving love.

People: Long ago, You called Your church to love beyond all social and cultural differences. You have given the church the gift of Your Holy Spirit, opening hearts to enact that love. Give us that same spirit of openness, discerning new directions in our days for Your vision to heal and to reconcile all of creation.

Leader: God of promise, Your Word is trustworthy and true – made in flesh, Jesus Christ. By the power of Your Spirit, rise up within us the springs of the water of life to refresh our thirsty souls.

People: God of mercy, we confess that we often respond with fear and judgment that hinders Your vision for us and our ability to love one another. Forgive us, we pray, and help us to truly repent so that we may experience the goodness of life shared with You.

Leader: We pray for our church and for the global church to live generously in our witness, broadening the invitation You offer to all to come to Your Table, so that all may find a place to live and grow in love.

People: As the community of Christ, may we strive to live together in harmony – young and old, men and women, rich and poor – so that the testimony of Your love and the blessings we have received from the forgiveness we’ve received through the cross of Christ and the empty tomb will be shared with all people throughout the world.

Leader: God of love, raise us to new life as the Resurrection People, and renew us today.

People: We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Benediction (Based on John 13:31-35)

Leader: Loving God, we give You thanks for the ministry of reconciliation to which You call us in the name of Jesus Christ. We recall the commandment of Jesus, given to us to live out this week in our mission together with others:

People: “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Leader: Accept our tithes and offerings for Your mission to heal all of creation. May they be a testament of Your love. We especially pray for the offerings we have given to help the people of Ukraine, brothers and sisters who have fled as refugees to nearby nations. Protect them, and provide for them through the love of the church worldwide. Disciples of Christ, our Savior Jesus has loved us so that we may go forth in peace to love and serve the LORD by loving others. As new creations in Christ, you have been given the grace to grow in faith, hope, love, and justice. So make disciples of Jesus of all people by teaching them to obey all that Jesus has taught. Be confident that Christ goes with you on this journey, empowering you with the Spirit, and Jesus promises He will be with you until the very end.

People: We go in peace to love and serve.  Amen.