2022/10/2 祈り Prayer
招詞(詩篇 137篇、哀歌 3章19~26節に基づく)
開会祈祷(哀歌 1章1~6節、ハバクク書 1章1~4節, 2章1~4節、ルカの福音書 17章5~10節に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Psalm 137 & Lamentations 3:19-26)
Leader: Just as Israel wept by the rivers of Babylon when they were exiled, so we also are called to lament our sin and brokenness that draws us away from God.
People: Let our laments draw us to true repentance, for it is in repentance we know and experience God’s compassion and mercy.
Leader: People of God, let us not be proud but come with humble spirits and contrite hearts, seeking to live by faith in who God is and what He has promised.
People: This we call to our minds, and therefore we have hope: the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end and they are new every morning.
Leader: Yes, great is Your faithfulness, O God. So we come before Your presence now in worship.
Opening Prayer (Based on Lamentations 1:1-6, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 & Luke 17:5-10)
Leader: Faithful Lord, present in sorrow and in hope, allow our laments with space to seek You, so that we may not forget Your steadfast love never ceases and Your Spirit flows forever.
People: Faithful God, we wait in hope for You to speak. Come to us in Scripture read and proclaimed. By the power of Your Spirit, increase our faith so that we may do all we are commanded according to Your glory.
Leader: Merciful God, You have called us to live in sincere faith and to suffer for the gospel. Yet we confess that we do not come with clear consciences. Our faith is clouded by sin and uncertainty. We run away from Your call to live sacrificially on behalf of others.
People: We confess that we seek our own ease and comfort first. In our lives and in the church, we rely on our own power rather than on Yours. We lament our sin and we ask You to forgive us, for we are fractured and fearful disciples. Take away our spirit of cowardice and restore in us a spirit of power rightly used and love unconditionally offered. Help us to live gracefully self-disciplined, and in mercy, increase our faith that we may be faithful servants at Your Table.
Leader: Church, the power of God has saved us: grace is given to us in Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light. Celebrate that we are forgiven and saved!
People: Thanks be to God! In Christ we pray, Amen.
Leader: Gracious God, You are good news for a weary world. You are hope for people in despair, and You are home to exiles.
People: Hear and see the prayers, the laments, the praises, and the offerings we have brought to Your throne, and accept them as a sign of our love and a confession of our dependence upon You.
Leader: All people are in need of God’s grace and salvation through Jesus. All people are welcomed to Jesus’ Table and invited to be disciples on the journey of faith. All are called to the waters of baptism and given gifts through the Spirit to be used for His Kingdom purposes. So fulfill your holy calling, Church, by serving God and serving neighbor without thought of reward. Hope always in God, through Whom all things are possible and expect to see the unexpected as He transforms lives by His love and grace. Go now, sent with the Holy Spirit.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.