2023/3/26 祈りPrayer
招詞(エゼキエル 37:1-14、詩篇 130に基づく)
Call To Worship (Based on Ezekiel 37:1-14 & Psalm 130)
Leader: The hand of God came upon the prophet Ezekiel and led him out into a valley full of dry bones, and God asked him:
People: O mortal, can these bones live?
Leader: Replying that only the Lord God would know, God instructed Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones:
People: Hear the word of the LORD.
Leader: God caused breath, the Holy Spirit, to enter the bones and make them live. By doing so, Ezekiel and all of Israel would know that we live by the word of God and the life breath of His Spirit.
People: We are like dry bones, and we can find hope only in the LORD, in Whom there is steadfast love and great power to redeem.
Leader: So we gather in this Lenten Season to put our trust and find our hope in God, as we turn back to Him in repentance.
People: Just two candles burn as we near the end of our Lenten journey to the cross of Christ. Let us offer Him worship in song, and find joy in His presence!
Opening Prayer (Based on Ezekiel 37, Psalm 130, John 11 & Romans 8)
Leader: Lord God, Great I AM, you are resurrection and life. As we worship you today, show us who we are: bearers of good news and messengers of resurrection.
People: We wait for You, O Lord, and we trust in Your Word. By the power of Your Spirit, sets our hearts and minds on the source of life and peace: Jesus Christ our Savior.
Leader: We pray for those whose hope is lost, who feel dried up and cut off from you: open their graves and bring them back to life by Your immense grace.
People: We pray for those who weep, who feel lost and lifeless, in fear and regret: grant them the peace of Your presence, and show them what Your love can do.
Leader: If You held our sin against us, Lord, who could live? We seem to have more faith in death than hope in Your promise of life. We seek peace peace through war, and find security in weapons.
People: We abandon the hungry, the sick and dying, and purse wealth by making others poor. Yet You choose to love us and forgiveness can be found in You. Save us from death and redeem us from our sin, which we confess to You.
Leader: O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD: if Jesus Christ dwells in you, the Spirit of God will be your life and the grace of God will be your righteousness. If the Spirit dwells in you, God will give life to your mortal bodies just as He raised Jesus from the dead. Friends, this is the good news of the gospel: in Jesus, we are forgiven!
People: We give thanks! And we pray in Christ’s name, Amen.
Leader: We have come to worship You with humble gratitude in song and with our offerings, just as Mary worshipped Jesus by using perfume and her hair to clean his feet.
People: For without the breath of God and the Word of God, we are just dry bones and dust.
Leader: You raise us up, and join us together as one people – Your people – the flesh and bone in the body of Christ. Use our lives to proclaim the good news of life in Jesus. And may Jesus, who is the resurrection and the life bless and keep you as go and make disciples in His name.
People: We go in peace to love and serve. Amen.